Transports in the Model Context Protocol (MCP) provide the foundation for communication between clients and servers. A transport handles the underlying mechanics of how messages are sent and received.
Message Format
MCP uses JSON-RPC 2.0 as its wire format. The transport layer is responsible for converting MCP protocol messages into JSON-RPC format for transmission and converting received JSON-RPC messages back into MCP protocol messages.
There are three types of JSON-RPC messages used:
jsonrpc: "2.0",
id: number | string,
method: string,
params?: object
jsonrpc: "2.0",
id: number | string,
result?: object,
error?: {
code: number,
message: string,
data?: unknown
jsonrpc: "2.0",
method: string,
params?: object
Built-in Transport Types
MCP includes two standard transport implementations:
Standard Input/Output (stdio)
The stdio transport enables communication through standard input and output streams. This is particularly useful for local integrations and command-line tools.
Use stdio when:
- Building command-line tools
- Implementing local integrations
- Needing simple process communication
- Working with shell scripts
Server-Sent Events (SSE)
SSE transport enables server-to-client streaming with HTTP POST requests for client-to-server communication.
Use SSE when:
- Only server-to-client streaming is needed
- Working with restricted networks
- Implementing simple updates
const server = new Server({
name: "example-server",
version: "1.0.0"
}, {
capabilities: {}
const transport = new SSEServerTransport("/message", response);
await server.connect(transport);
const client = new Client({
name: "example-client",
version: "1.0.0"
}, {
capabilities: {}
const transport = new SSEClientTransport(
new URL("http://localhost:3000/sse")
await client.connect(transport);
from mcp.server.sse import SseServerTransport
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.routing import Route
app = Server("example-server")
sse = SseServerTransport("/messages")
async def handle_sse(scope, receive, send):
async with sse.connect_sse(scope, receive, send) as streams:
await[0], streams[1], app.create_initialization_options())
async def handle_messages(scope, receive, send):
await sse.handle_post_message(scope, receive, send)
starlette_app = Starlette(
Route("/sse", endpoint=handle_sse),
Route("/messages", endpoint=handle_messages, methods=["POST"]),
async with sse_client("http://localhost:8000/sse") as streams:
async with ClientSession(streams[0], streams[1]) as session:
await session.initialize()
Custom Transports
MCP makes it easy to implement custom transports for specific needs. Any transport implementation just needs to conform to the Transport interface:
You can implement custom transports for:
- Custom network protocols
- Specialized communication channels
- Integration with existing systems
- Performance optimization
interface Transport {
// Start processing messages
start(): Promise<void>;
// Send a JSON-RPC message
send(message: JSONRPCMessage): Promise<void>;
// Close the connection
close(): Promise<void>;
// Callbacks
onclose?: () => void;
onerror?: (error: Error) => void;
onmessage?: (message: JSONRPCMessage) => void;
Note that while MCP Servers are often implemented with asyncio, we recommend
implementing low-level interfaces like transports with `anyio` for wider compatibility.
async def create_transport(
read_stream: MemoryObjectReceiveStream[JSONRPCMessage | Exception],
write_stream: MemoryObjectSendStream[JSONRPCMessage]
Transport interface for MCP.
read_stream: Stream to read incoming messages from
write_stream: Stream to write outgoing messages to
async with anyio.create_task_group() as tg:
# Start processing messages
tg.start_soon(lambda: process_messages(read_stream))
# Send messages
async with write_stream:
yield write_stream
except Exception as exc:
# Handle errors
raise exc
# Clean up
await write_stream.aclose()
await read_stream.aclose()
Error Handling
Transport implementations should handle various error scenarios:
- Connection errors
- Message parsing errors
- Protocol errors
- Network timeouts
- Resource cleanup
Example error handling:
class ExampleTransport implements Transport {
async start() {
try {
// Connection logic
} catch (error) {
this.onerror?.(new Error(`Failed to connect: ${error}`));
throw error;
async send(message: JSONRPCMessage) {
try {
// Sending logic
} catch (error) {
this.onerror?.(new Error(`Failed to send message: ${error}`));
throw error;
Note that while MCP Servers are often implemented with asyncio, we recommend
implementing low-level interfaces like transports with anyio
for wider compatibility.
async def example_transport(scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send):
# Create streams for bidirectional communication
read_stream_writer, read_stream = anyio.create_memory_object_stream(0)
write_stream, write_stream_reader = anyio.create_memory_object_stream(0)
async def message_handler():
async with read_stream_writer:
# Message handling logic
except Exception as exc:
logger.error(f"Failed to handle message: {exc}")
raise exc
async with anyio.create_task_group() as tg:
# Yield streams for communication
yield read_stream, write_stream
except Exception as exc:
logger.error(f"Transport error: {exc}")
raise exc
await write_stream.aclose()
await read_stream.aclose()
except Exception as exc:
logger.error(f"Failed to initialize transport: {exc}")
raise exc
Best Practices
When implementing or using MCP transport:
- Handle connection lifecycle properly
- Implement proper error handling
- Clean up resources on connection close
- Use appropriate timeouts
- Validate messages before sending
- Log transport events for debugging
- Implement reconnection logic when appropriate
- Handle backpressure in message queues
- Monitor connection health
- Implement proper security measures
Security Considerations
When implementing transport:
Authentication and Authorization
- Implement proper authentication mechanisms
- Validate client credentials
- Use secure token handling
- Implement authorization checks
Data Security
- Use TLS for network transport
- Encrypt sensitive data
- Validate message integrity
- Implement message size limits
- Sanitize input data
Network Security
- Implement rate limiting
- Use appropriate timeouts
- Handle denial of service scenarios
- Monitor for unusual patterns
- Implement proper firewall rules
Debugging Transport
Tips for debugging transport issues:
- Enable debug logging
- Monitor message flow
- Check connection states
- Validate message formats
- Test error scenarios
- Use network analysis tools
- Implement health checks
- Monitor resource usage
- Test edge cases
- Use proper error tracking